Midland Truss, Inc.
2312 New Holland Road
Wagener, SC 29164
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7am-5pm
Phone #: (877) 564-5757
Fax #: (803) 564-5764
2312 New Holland Road
Wagener, SC 29164
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7am-5pm
Phone #: (877) 564-5757
Fax #: (803) 564-5764
When calling Midland Truss for a quote, what do I need to know?
_________________________ What will the span be? The span of a truss is the length of the bottom chord. What is the overall Length? Overall length is the horizontal distance from the end of the bottom chord to the bottom edge of the top chord. How many do you need? The quantity of trusses you need will vary depending if you are spacing them at 24” on center (o.c.) or 16” o.c. What is the pitch of the roof? What type of truss do you need? Design options are unlimited. Be sure to specify the configuration desired – regular pole barn, scissor, vaulted ceiling, attic, etc… You will find more information on design options here and here. |